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Your Study Skills Tips

Your Study Skills Tips

Studying at university can be different to how you're used to studying at college. Below is some advice and technique to help you get the most out of your studies.

Study skills are a number of skills or strategies you can apply to your learning to help you in achieving your goals.

These skills can be applied to not only to your university life but can support you in your personal and professional life also.

Within our page we will share with you our tried and tested methods as well as some great advice from fellow students.
Study Skills
There are many study techniques and skills that you can adopt. Start with picking a few you think will work best for you. Try them for a month and see how they work for you. If you don't feel an improvement you can always try something different later. Keep experimenting until you find what works for you.

  1. Note Taking - Not sure about you but I am terrible at forgetting important information or tasks unless I write them down. Taking notes or re-writing notes you made earlier can help improve retention and can make information easier to understand. I use post it notes and highlighters to help make key points stand out. 
  2. Read Out Loud - You may feel a little self-conscious at first but trust me reading out loud can really help important information stick and be remembered. You can even record yourself and play it back when out for a walk or on the bus etc. 
  3. Share your Learning with Others - Ask a friend, housemate or relative if you can share your learning with them. Take the time to teach them what you have learnt and if they are able to understand and learn themselves then you're doing an awesome job! It is a great way to not only get a deep understanding of your topic of study but also is a checkpoint for your own learning. 
  4. Create Mind Maps/have a Note Board - Great for the visual learners among us! Map out all the key facts and elements you have learnt or write them on a post-its and pin them up on a board. Often having a visual reminder helps you retain information. 
  5. Don't Cram - So far we have explored what can help support studying success but let's take a minute to recognise what you may want to avoid doing and that is to cram! Cramming stores information to your short-term memory and may help in the last-minute assessment tomorrow, when it comes to long-term memory it very likely won't be there when you need it.
Top study tips
  • Pick a time and Place - Finding the perfect study spot is vital to getting in the mood to study. You need to find the space that works for you. As well as the right time. 
  • Stick to a Schedule - Creating a study schedule helps you stay organised. It's important to work out the perfect flow for you. Work around other commitments such as work and lectures. It is also vital that you schedule some down time! You need to allow time to rest and recharge.
  • Find the Way that Best Suits you - Make sure you know the best learning style for you. This could be reading, watching videos, listening to audiobooks/podcasts or something else.
  • Review and Revise - As mentioned earlier it is important, when you are studying, to continuously look over what you have already done, to make sure the information is sticking. Re-read old notes, create flash cards and test yourself!
  • Take Breaks - This is important! You must allow yourself time to take regular, short breaks. Get a drink, take a walk, watch a TV episode... this allows time for your brain to rest and recharge, ready for the next study session.
  • Ask for help - The university has many different support options. Meet with your tutors, student services, academic librarians or wellbeing to get the support you need. If you need help, just ask.
  • Stay Motivated - Think about what motivates you. The degree itself? The job you'll get at the end of it? Graduation? When you find the thing that is pushing you, keep reminding yourself of it when you feel like giving up. Write it on a post it note and stick it where you'll see it the most. 
  • Read Books - Reading is vital to get good grades at university; citing and referencing is key. 
  • Take Care of Yourself - Ensure both you and your work is on top form. Take a walk, read a book, play a game, talk to friend. Self-care comes in all forms. Find what works for you.
  • Keep Organised - The key to success is staying organised, by keeping on top of your work, managing your priorities, and most of all keeping a list of your references. 
Thanks to Hannah, 3rd year Psychology student, for your top 10 study tips.
Finally, remember that your university website will have a study tips area of the website (sometimes this is in the Library and sometimes it's run by Student Services

Helpful links
 Here are some more helpful links to support your studies:

•  SAGE - Polish your Writing Top Tips - watch the video

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